Stop Searching for Time: Rearrange Your Space

Stop Searching for Time: Rearrange Your Space

Whenever I feel bitter about the lack of "me-time" in a day filled with kids and work, I don't try to pencil in time for myself or set alarms or change my routine. Instead, I change the location of the things I want to do for myself. I examine whether there are cosmetic items I've purchased but never implemented into my routine and ask why. If it was a lack of time, I physically move the serum or cream to another location. The "lack of time" can often boil down to a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For example, I moved my face roller, cream and anti-aging serum to the living room side table. Since I'm most likely to unwind in front of the TV at some point, it's easy to apply the serum I've been wanting to use without making an appointment for it. I no longer feel guilty for not using that luxurious cream I know my face deserves. Instead, I feel like I've discovered a secret and am getting away with stealing time. I deserve pampering, and I won't allow the illusion of "no time" to stop me from enjoying it.

My beloved yoga mat used to sit in the corner of my bedroom, and after a few weeks, it would whisper to me every time I passed by it. I could never find the right time to be alone to stretch. I used to feel too full after dinner or too tired after putting the kids to bed. So, I moved it near the kitchen. There can be a surprising pocket of downtime while cooking so instead of idling while listening to the news or scrolling through my phone, I roll out my yoga mat and do some stretches. By the time dinner is ready, I'm relaxed, and I've accomplished two things that make me happy.

Another thing I used to lament was not having enough time to moisturize my feet. In the winter, they especially needed some love. It didn't make me feel good physically or mentally to watch my skin slowly cry out for some TLC. So, I moved a foot bath under my desk since I was spending a significant amount of time sitting there anyways. Having a relaxing Epsom salt foot soak made working more tolerable, and I was able to pamper myself without sacrificing anything else, especially sleep. Hand cream? It is a permanent resident to my car's center cupholder. My facial mist? It lives right next to the coffee maker. Placing things in the spot where I know I have time instead of trying to create time from thin air has allowed me to take better care of myself and become more efficient.

Incorporating self-care into your daily routine doesn't have to feel like a chore or another item on your to-do list. By simply moving the things you want to do for yourself to a more accessible location, you can steal pockets of time throughout the day and give yourself the pampering you deserve. Don't let the illusion of "no time" stop you from enjoying the things that make you happy. Try it for yourself and see how small changes can make a big impact on your well-being.

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